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Investment Management


Tips, Inc.

The TIPS-BOND product is a single high-level routine which makesavailable much of the power of the industry standard TIPS Fixed IncomeCalculations Library for calculating prices, yields, and other analyticson bonds, notes, and discount securities. In fact it uses the TIPS FixedIncome Calculations Library to do its work, keeping the details invisibleto the programmer. Since the TIPS Library is the standard by which othercalculation packages are measured, and is constantly updated to reflectchanges in the industry, users of TIPS-BOND are assured of getting thelatest and most accurate figures possible.Accuracy does not compromise speed. We have developed and incorporatedsophisticated algorithms into our products to maximize their efficiency.This allows large numbers of calculations to be performed quickly onvirtually any platform.This routine was designed as a plug-in "black-box" for fixed incomecalculations. At TIPS we are always available to answer questions on howto use it, although we don't think you'll need us -- the programmer'sinterface is intuitive and comprehensive, and you'll be producingaccurate, exact calculations the very first day you use the TIPS-BONDroutine.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4 Solaris x86 2.0,2.1

Tips, Inc.
332 Springfield Ave Suite 200
Summit, NJ 07901
Phone: (908) 522-8950
Fax: (908) 522-8955